Zoom on the key features

Amelkis EPM offers powerful features to simplify the life of consolidators, limiting the manual operations.

Changes in shareholders' equity

Automatic generation of tables of changes in equity

Automatic change in scope of consolidation

Automatic management of impacts related to changes in scope of consolidation

Cash flow statements

Automatic Cash flow statements

Tax and automatic tax proof

Management of the tax component of manual or automatic restatements

Automatic booklet

Templates for brochures in Excel or Word format that comply with the regulations

Import of accounting data

All types of files, for all types of calculations and processing


Duplication of consolidations to simulate all types of modifications

Connection to international databases

Automatic download of tax and conversion rates


Detailed analysis through restitution reports or zooms

Task planning

Import planning, bundle validation, consolidation and analysis

Why choosing EPM Consolidation ?

Amelkis EPM meets the needs of groups subject to the realization of a statutory consolidation through a solution easy to use and complete.

A tool designed to frame the consolidation process

In contrast to many applications, Amelkis EPM is based on a consolidation process, which guides the user in its implementation.

We chose to offer only the features really necessary to consolidators, to simplify the handling of the tool and enhance their productivity. Amelkis EPM is not a simple toolbox, but a real guide that will allow you to work effectively. The manual tasks are limited to a maximum!

Intuitive and light functionalities, which facilitate consolidation work

A process divided into four themes: creation of basic elements (entity, rate, scope, reporting), data processing (import, bundles, consolidation), restitution and parameterization (chart of accounts, processing, users)

Ultra-easy to learn, short training time

Customization possibilities for the interface of each profile

A complete standard setting

With Amelkis EPM, you start your consolidations directly: no need to spend time setting up your new financial consolidation software. Everything you need to achieve your consolidation is immediately available in the application.

The configuration of Amelkis EPM, perfected over 20 years, has proven its worth to thousands of users. Updated regularly according to regulatory developments, the tool is reliable, but also flexible enough to be adapted to your specific needs.

Tables that meet the expectations of auditors and analysts

Quality processing, to ensure balanced and consistent data, regardless of the complexity of your consolidation

Auditable processes that help you save time and increase reliability

A carefully designed and regularly updated presentation

The support of a consolidation expert

Amelkis is currently the only publisher to offer a business support. This service goes well beyond the current use of the software. It is a real accompaniment to the consolidation. 

Available directly by phone, our consultants offer an essential asset to consolidators who want to rely on a reliable and responsive partner to achieve their consolidation effectively.

A unique interface

Amelkis EPM is four modules combined in a common environment to provide users with a smooth navigation and efficient consolidation.

Enter in the Amelkis universe

Amelkis EPM meets the operational challenges of financial consolidation, management reporting, forecasting and extra-financial.

The market-leading solution for implementing the XBRL standard without changing processes and benefiting from a global outsourcing service recognized by audit firms and communication agencies.

The software that simplifies the preparation of annual reports by making Word/Excel links easier, more reliable and more secure.

The web platform dedicated to intra-group reconciliations that improves the quality of accounting data at the entity level and reduces production times.

The simple and intuitive lease management application for a 360° view of contracts, better debt analysis and informed budget preparation.

We hooked up with Amelkis from the first exchanges. The solution Amelkis Opera * met our expectations in terms of simplicity and accessibility for non-specialists in the consolidation. The interface has immediately seduced us: we did not feel to make the consolidation so ergonomic tool. (* Opera is the previous version of Amelkis EPM)

Luc Nivinou, Head of management control and financing at the LE SAINT group

Amelkis is a powerful, flexible and intuitive software. It makes consolidation accessible to all finance professionals.

Yann Volluz, Administrative and Financial Director at Logteam

We save time when distributing income statements: everything is very easy to export with Opera*. Especially since the solution is compatible with the Office environment. This time saving is not negligible, when you know that we ensure the consolidation of more than 200 companies, which is done for 80% of them at the end of the year. The period is more than busy: a powerful tool is essential ! (* Opera is the previous version of Amelkis EPM)

Christian Potiron, Head of consolidation at La Fidu Group

We have made the consolidation process more secure: the tool facilitates the tracing of operations for auditing purposes, and we can generate complex reports - on sub-baskets, for example - which is important for certain groups. The tool also simplifies the export of consolidated budget forecasts.

Laurent Auger, Expert accountant, founding partner of the firm FIPAR

Using this tool gives me more comfort about the accuracy of my consolidated statements and allows me to consolidate more quickly.

Xavier Rappaz, Financial Director at TELEVERBIER

Users have quickly adopted Amelkis Opera*, they saw a real interest, they were previously reporting on Excel. The data entry is secure, the operations are better managed, therefore more reliable. (* Opera is the previous version of Amelkis EPM)

Béatrice de Foucauld, Administrative and Financial Director at SAFO Group

We found a real closeness with the editor: they answer our needs and questions with professionalism and precision.

Christian Potiron, Head of consolidation at La Fidu Group

We have saved about 30 minutes of reprocessing time per tax return. We now spend only one hour per company to identify anomalies and check revisions, compared to an hour and a half previously.

Christian Potiron, Head of consolidation at La Fidu Group

We have a single solution to manage a large part of our financial activity. We have access, via the same interface, to the group's consolidated accounts, to the management of inter-company customer/supplier flows, as well as to the monitoring of the restatement of leasing. All the data is easily exploitable in the tool.

Anthony Jean, Associate Accounting Manager at SEAFRIGO Group

Everything is easier with Opera [...] even for someone who is not a consolidation specialist! [...] The logic of use and the intuitiveness are unstoppable!

Luc Nivinou, Head of management control and financing at the LE SAINT group

Amelkis Opera* allows us to make reports and forecasts more fluid and efficient. The tool has been configured according to our needs to generate consolidated plates easily usable. (* Opera is the previous version of Amelkis EPM)

Béatrice de Foucauld, Administrative and Financial Director at SAFO Group

Amelkis Opera* is a very successful tool in terms of functionality that can integrate the reporting and forecasting. Amelkis Opera is also a very proven tool with many customer references in France. (* Opera is the previous version of Amelkis EPM)

Smarthys, Specialized consulting firm

With Amelkis Opera, we follow the consolidation process, things happen according to a very logical scenario.

Laurent Auger, Public accountant, founding partner at the accounting firm FIPAR

When we import the accounting data into Opera, the solution automatically integrates the bundles in the right place. The integration of the consolidation data takes two days, compared to two weeks before !

Luc Nivinou, Head of management control and financing at LE SAINT group

We are delighted to support Amelkis clients in their ESG initiatives and the drafting of their first CSRD reports !

Sarah GUEREAU, Sustainable Development Offer Manager

Discover Amelkis EPM in live action

Make your forecasting statements real tools for performance management! Discover the power of Amelkis financial planning software during a quick demonstration.

Téléchargez la brochure

Chaque année, plus de 3 000 groupes réduisent leur temps de clotûre grâce à Amelkis EPM. Pourquoi pas vous ?

La solution en vidéo

Découvrez la puissance de la suite modulaire Amelkis EPM.

Our assistance

You can count on Amelkis to accompany you in each of your challenges.


Need to develop your skills or update your knowledge? Discover the training courses led by our expert consultants in financial consolidation.

Consulting and assistance

Our expert consolidation consultants are at your service to help you optimize your financial processes.

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