We offer training courses for our clients
These courses are intended exclusively for Amelkis customers: Heads of consolidation departments, consolidators, accounting and financial managers of consolidated companies who have already acquired a good experience of consolidation, accountants, auditors and their employees.
Our Opera trainings are Qualiopi certified, on January 1st 2022, this quality certification is mandatory for all providers of training actions. It allows :
– to attest to the quality of the process implemented by the service providers and the actions contributing to the development of skills
– greater readability of the training offer for users
The “Qualiopi” mark is issued by certification bodies accredited or authorized by the French Accreditation Committee (Cofrac) on the basis of national quality standards.
We also provide training for all our other tools (Lease, InterCompany, Filing) except Qualiopi.
Our trainings are carried out on site, in our premises or in distance learning.
86% of clients responding to the satisfaction survey are satisfied with their training between May 2021 and April 2022
765 trainees in 2021
5353 hours of training provided by our consultants in 2021
Établissement des comptes consolidés avec la solution Amelkis Opera – Type 1 : formation standard (in french)
Programme de formation Amelkis Opera – Standard – type 1.pdf
Customized training is also possible !
Programme de formation Amelkis Opera – Sur mesure – type 2.pdf
Are you interested in our training ? Please contact the sales representative in charge of your account.
These customers have followed a training with Amelkis, they share their experiences
Very good training, very thorough exchanges in the process and quality response.
Synthetic but very enriching training, opens to new perspectives of organization.
Good interaction with the trainer with resolution of our practical cases.
Very well conducted training. The trainer was very quick to understand my needs regarding the handling of the tool, as well as the use one wishes to make of it. I am very satisfied with this training.
Very good didactic qualities of the facilitator and very good control of the consolidation.
Our teams are at your disposal to answer all your questions, discuss your issues or study your needs !